Malachi 3:19-20/Psalm 98:5-6,7-8,9/2 Thessalonians 3:7-12/Luke 21:5-19

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

Hard times and End-Times

Luke 21 presents us with the eschatological discourse of Jesus Christ. From verses 5-19 Jesus teaches about the destruction of the temple and the coming of the Son of man. For the Jews, destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple is equivalent to the end of the world. The Church uses this gospel towards the end of the liturgical year to reflect on hard times and end-times. Times are hard but don’t fall for deceptive signs and predictions. End-time is a joyful expectation not a disaster. If you can endure, you will enjoy. The gospel of today can be divided into 3 different parts:    

Destruction of the temple: (Luke 21:5-6) A temple is a building reserved for prayer and sacrifice. Jews have a strong attachment to the Temple and to Jerusalem.. The people were absolutely devastated and believed that the world had ended when both were entirely destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. In today’s gospel Jesus says the temple shall be destroyed (Luke 21:6). These words of Christ have serious implication for us all. We recall that the people who were building up and decorating the Temple were the same people  who were planning to destroy the Son of God. If they were able to see God in the magnificent building, why couldn’t they recognize Him in flesh and blood? They exalted the Temple and disregarded the human person made in the image of God.

The Temple in Jerusalem was very beautiful but it was destroyed. We are told in 1Cor.3:16 that we are the Temple of God; our souls must not be destroyed. The Temple was destroyed, but since our souls are immortal, we are built to endure forever. Therefore, don’t just clean the church pews; also clean your hearts. In the first reading Malachi spoke with no pity, he says the day comes burning like oven, when all arrogant and evil doers will be stubble and the day that comes shall burn them up. So let us stop our evil deeds. Psalm 1:1-6 differentiated the hope of the righteous from that of the sinner. Let us repent that we may not perish.

Deceptive signs of end-times. The gospel says, they asked him “Teacher, when will this be, and what will be the sign… he answered take heed that you are not led astray.” In Mark 13:32 Jesus says “about the day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”. Acts 1:7 says “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.”  All predictions in this regard  are lies. Many preachers and prophets claim to know when the world will end, they give different predictions based on the events and seasons but Jesus says do not follow them (Luke 21:8-9).

We must stand against all lies. A Preacher once wrote I saw one time that the world was ending next week, and at the end of that next week he wrote again, that the world was miraculously saved. Many others predicted in history: men like Hilary of Poitiers, William Miller , John Napier – Napier was a mathematician and astrologer, Michael Stifel – Stifel was a German monk and mathematician but they all failed; even the idea of dramatic crustal displacements of Charles Hapgood was not the end of the world. The height of it was the year 2000 it was like the Collapse of civilization. Christian preachers in Papua New Guinea predicted the end; they failed. Then, in 2019: Ronald Weinland, whose prediction failed in 2011, 2012, and  2013, says it will definitely happen on June 9, 2019; but failed. These predictions will continue to fail, for Christ said do not follow them, don’t follow star readings and many others, and follow Christ. In 2Thess.3: 7-12 (Second reading) Paul noted that some people had abandoned their jobs and neglected their family responsibilities as a result of false beliefs about the Lord’s impending return. In the year 2000 many gave up based on false impression about endtimes. Times are hard but don’t fall for deceptive signs. End-time is a joyful expectation not a disaster. If you can endure, you will enjoy.

Persecution of the disciples (Luke 21:12-19) Jesus clearly stated that we shall be persecuted, he said do not worry about what to say, Ps.81:10 says “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” No one under grace and power lack words amidst persecutions. Matt.10:20 says “For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” Our confidence is based on the fact that Christ never abandons his people. Persecution will definitely come but Christ says by your endurance you will gain your lives. Endurance basically means that you have to stay focused and continue the journey of faith in spite of obstacles. People are not interested in how you stated but how you will end. If you can endure, you will enjoy.

Keep Me True (Jabu  Hlongwane)

Keep me true. Lord Jesus, keep me true
Keep me true. Lord Jesus, keep me true
There’s a race that I must run
There are victories to be won
Give me power, every hour, to be true


Grant us, we pray, O Lord our God, the constant gladness of being devoted to you, for it is full and lasting happiness to serve with constancy the author of all that is good. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN.

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