Rev. 3:1-6, 14-22; PSALM 14; LUKE 19:1-10
According to the Gospel, Jesus’ goal is to find and save the lost. Even though Zacchaeus was lost, he made himself findable by climbing a tree. Again, despite the crowd he made every effort to see Jesus. When we sincerely strive to see Jesus, Jesus shall locate us. Llike Zacchaeus, we shall only be saved if we make ourselves available beyond all odds.
These odds or obstacles take diverse forms; for Zacchaeus, it was the multitude; in the first reading, it was the imperfection of the churches in Sardis; and for the churches in Laodicea, it was their lukewarmness. For the rest of us, these odds could be materialism, intellectualism, lust, idolatry, power, anger and pride. Beloved, we must break these walls of limitation if we want to be saved. Everyone is eligible for salvation. We should be available against all odds, otherwise the end shall be miserable.
Lastly, Zacchaeus said “ I will give half of my goods to the poor and if I have defrauded any one of anything, I will restore it fourfold.” This is called Restitution, in fact to say fourfold he went far beyond what was legally necessary, he became charitable. Restitution in moral theology signifies an act of commutative justice by which exact reparation as far as possible is made for an injury that has been done to another. You can’t be in possession of am item you stole; yet you are in the Church crying for forgiveness. Until you return it, you won’t be forgiven.
Father, have mercy and forgive us our sins. Empower us and give us the grace to do your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.