Apocalypse 10:8-11; Psalm 119; Luke 19:45-48

Many companies are producing bitters, liqueurs and spirits for cocktails and most recent of them all is the Odogwu bitters. Most persons enjoy consuming these bitters but are never ready to listen to the bitter truth of life that we shall  pass away, and we don’t know when. Stop acting like you don’t know this reality. Recognize your own mortality, and then begin to structure your life more purposefully.

In the Gospel, Jesus told them the bitter truth; “My house shall be a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers” The Church is a holy place of worship that demands the highest level of respect. Sadly, we frequently treat the Church and other spiritual places like elongated hallways or event centers . 

Catholics are typically told to genuflect as they enter the church since the Blessed Sacrament is there. These days, many Catholics miss this straightforward act of spirituality. Similar to this, there are numerous additional abuses in the Church, including noise, lewd clothing, misuse of phones, sacramental abuses, and advertisements. You may be tempted to inquire today: “Are we in the Church to play or to pray?”

In the house of God our primary guide is the Scroll – God’s Word. In the first reading, John was instructed to “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” The reason it is open is because its contents must be made known for the benefit of mankind’s instruction, guidance, encouragement and warning. How often do we heed to the instructions of scriptures. 

Again, the angel said to John “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey” (Rev.10:8). When we look into the Bible it taste nice and sweet but upon meditation and contemplation we are confronted with the bitter truth. 

We frequently wished that life is a bed of roses, and we earnestly desire that Christianity brings no sorrow. Beloved, when fully absorbed, the pleasant flavour of God’s Word will frequently be mingled with bitterness. Whatever happens, let’s try to learn from Christ, heed his instructions, feed our souls, respect his temple, and lead honorable lives. 


Almighty Father, we pray that our hearts would learn how to rightfully fear you. Save us from anxiety and hopelessness. We surrender our hearts to you and may we not be put to shame. Amen.


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