John 1:35-42 narrates the call of the first disciples of Jesus Christ. The reading says they followed Jesus from the very moment John pointed out the Lamb of God to them. We too must follow Jesus from the very moment of encounter. We must make sincere effort to break the walls limitations around us and follow Jesus. Again, the gospel says they stayed with him. As disciples we are not just to follow him but also stay with him. Staying with Jesus is formative since it offers us the opportunity to acquire his habits and virtues. 

Moreso, when they asked Jesus “Where are you staying?” Jesus said to them “Come and see”. Jesus told them “COME AND SEE” so that they can “GO AND TELL”. Every disciple is expected to encounter Jesus before going  to proclaim him to the world.  The New Ratio no. 61 succinctly describes this saying;   “a disciple is one whom the Lord has called to stay with him, to follow him, and to become a missionary of the Gospel”. “Come and see” implies “go and tell”.

Additionally, 1John 3:7-10 challenges us further, John says; those born of God do not sin, for the “seed of God remains in them” (1John 3:9). This reminds us that our first and primary call is the call to be holy. The document of the Second Vatican Council “Lumen Gentium”, emphasizes the universal call to holiness. In the Church, everyone whether belonging to the hierarchy, or being cared for by it, is first of all called to be holy. Beloved, we are challenged not to remain in sin willfully.  


Father, let the light of your salvation dawn in our hearts and keep them always open to your life-giving grace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Study: 1John 3: 7-10/ Ps. 97/John 1:35-42

 Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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