Hebrews 2:14-18; Psalm 104; Mark 1:29-39
The Gospel of today presents us with the healing ministry of Jesus. The healing ministry is all encompassing; it involves teaching (Mark 1:21); deliverance (Mark 1: 25); healing (Mark 1:29-34); praying (Mark 1:35); preaching (Mark 1:39).
These categories capture the manifesto of Jesus Christ in Luke 4:18. Therefore, in Christ’s ministry a part is not separated from the whole. The healing ministry of Jesus does not only focus on the physical restoration of a sick person but the absolute restoration of man back to God.
And so, salvation is the best healing a man can receive. What are ministers doing today? What do think about healing ministry? Where is the message of salvation in today’s ‘Healing Centers’?
Lastly, the Gospel tells us that Jesus went away from the crowd in order to have a quiet time with the Father. The first reading tells us that Jesus was a man like us. He was human despite His busy schedule He had time for God. Beloved, never get too busy with the work of God and forget the God of the work.
Father, may we not focus on particular healing at the detriment of the message of salvation. Guide us in the exercise of the ministry you have given to us. Prompt our actions with your grace. Amen!