Hebrews 10:32-39; Psalm 96; Mark 4:26-34
Jesus used different parables to speak to the people about the kingdom of God. Today’s gospel presents us with one of such parables – the Parable of the Mustard Seed.
One could consider the mustard seed to be a metaphor for faith and development. Mustard is very small but it has the potential to develop into a large and gorgeous plant. You too have the potential to develop into something substantial and strong. All you need to do is work hard and be committed to your objectives.
Again, mustard seed is small but it produces a big shrub – with one faithful believer the whole world can start believing. Do not be discouraged by your humble beginning. You may begin small but if it is of the Lord, it will grow into a big mall.
The Church began so small like the mustard seed but today it is the biggest institute in the world. This growth was not without hardship and struggles. The first reading acknowledged the struggles we had endured and urged us not throw away our confidence for there shall be a great reward.
Lastly, seeds need the right environment, including the right amount of oxygen, water, and temperature to thrive. Under normal circumstances, seeds grow gradually. No quick fix, no shortcut. Learn to persevere and appreciate due process.
Father speak life anew into our spirit and cause everything in us that is still small to begin to grow. As we grow in the knowledge of the Word of God, give us victory over wickedness, darkness and setbacks. Amen.