GENESIS 1:1-19; PSALM 103; MARK 6:53-56

The Gospel says that “They laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.” We must understand that we are not just to crowd round Jesus but to touch him. 

There is a difference between crowding round Jesus and touching him. The whole crowd may gather in the Church but the individual must make effort to touch Jesus. In the crowd, we are clouded; but when we touch him we are made whole. 

Touching is a function of active participation. Through active participation in liturgical celebration we are able to touch Jesus personally. Don’t just follow the crowd, be an active participant that is the only way you can touch and be touched. 

The first reading makes us to understand that God is the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, let us go to him in faith and trust so that he can recreate our bodies and make us whole again.

Today the Church celebrates the Japanese Jesuit named Paul Miki and his 25 companions who were crucified in Nagasaki, Japan (d. 1597). They were the first East Asian martyrs to be declared saints. They were raised on crosses, stabbed with spears, and executed at the same time. When their executioners witnessed their gladness at being linked to Christ’s Passion, they were amazed.


Let us pray

Father, increase our faith help us to remain faithful to you. Where there are challenges through the Holy Spirit make us victorious. Amen!

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