JONAH 3:1-10; PSALM 51; LUKE 11:29-32
Jonah was sent by God to the people of Nineveh to warn them about the coming wrath if they don’t turn from their evil ways. They received Jonah’s message with so much remorse, declared fasting and penance and repented.
Nineveh’s narrative reminds us of the importance of penance and its rewards. Repentance is not a sentimental or emotional regret like we see in many churches today but a broken heart. It is not about the immediate tears; have you resolved and are you willing to change for better? If we repent of our sins we shall gain God’s friendship and love.
Similarly, Jesus warns the people of his days. He told them that they shall be given no sign except the sign of Jonah. We too are warned; we must turn away from sin and return to the ways of the Lord if we are to be saved. As in today’s psalm let us ask God for pardon and forgiveness. Let’s turn to him and be saved.
Watch over us, Lord, and in your kindness, cleanse us from all sins, for if evil has no dominion over us, no trial can do us harm. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai