EXODUS 32:7-14; PSALM 106; JOHN 5:31-47

Stiff-necked people

“You place your hopes on Moses but Moses will be your accuser. If you really believed him you would believe me too, since it was I that he was writing about.” Jesus made this statement to show that his listeners were haughty and stubborn. The miracles done never made deep impression on them. They did not even recognize that he has been sent by God the Father. 

Today there are people with blind mentality; all that is done and demonstrated for enlightenment remain unproductive and fruitless. When the mind is blind the eyes are useless. If our minds are not open to salvation, the things we see and hear cannot bring about transformation. Exodus 32 described them as a stiff-necked people. That is, haughty and stubborn.

Similarly, in the first reading, the people of Israel were blind towards God’s faithfulness and love. And so, in the twinkle of an eye, they made gods for themselves. Oftentimes, we too find it difficult to stand the trials that come our way. In the face of tribulations we easily subscribe to other gods. What is our mentality towards God’s saving plan? They made for themselves idols and worshipped them. There are some in the Church who are still idolaters. 


We invoke your mercy in humble prayer, O Lord, that we your servants, may grow in faith and spirit, may we persevere sincerely in doing your will, so that we can come safely and sound to the joys of Easter. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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