Peace be with you ACTS 3:11-26; PSALM 8; LUKE 24:35-48 While the disciples were still troubled over what has happened. “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ Jesus comforts the disciples’ fears and doubts by speaking words of peace. To all those who are troubled; those in a state […]
Monthly Archives: April 2023
RETURN TO WORSHIP “They recognized him at the breaking of bread”. This verse shows the paramount place of the Eucharist in the life of the disciples. Every one of us come to recognize Jesus better at the breaking of bread. Jesus himself left us with this responsibility when he says “Do this in memory of […]
Weeping & Seeking ACTS 2:36-41; PSALM 33; JOHN 20:11-18 Peter preached to the people saying; “You must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus”. We are told that 3000 persons were converted to Christianity that very day. The Church grows by preaching and conversion. Today we have too many preachers yet little or […]
Galilee Acts 2:14, 22-33; Psalm 16; Matthew 28:8-15 In the gospel, Jesus told his disciples to meet him up in Galilee (Matt.28:10). Galilee is well-known for being the setting of numerous biblical stories as well as the location of Jesus’ three-year ministry. And so, it represents normality; that is, everyday life. Today you don’t have […]
ACTS 10:34A,37-43/ PS.118/ COL.3:1-4/ JOHN 20:1-9 Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai The world Resurrection is from the Greek word Anastasis which means “raising up” or “standing up”. Jesus rose up after his death. On his way to Calvary when he fell he rose and now at last he rose from the dead. The bible says in 1 […]
SAIAH 52:13-53:12; PSALM 31; HEBREWS 4:14-16, 5:7-9; JOHN 18:1-19:42 In today’s reflection we shall be concerned with some basic questions and lessons: What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the day we commemorates Jesus Christ’s Passion, crucifixion, and death. It is a mandatory day of fasting and abstinence. This is the day of the crucifixion, […]
On Holy Thursday there are two Masses: the Chrism Mass and the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The Chrism Mass is the manifestation of the Priests’ communion with their Bishop. Every priest is expected to participate in this celebration as it symbolises the unity between the bishop and priests. It also offers them an opportunity […]
Betrayal ISAIAH 50:4-9; PSALM 69; MATTHEW 26:14-25 In the gospel, Judas accepted thirty silver pieces to hand Jesus over to the Jewish authorities. Betrayal is the violation of a person’s trust or confidence. It comes from those you relate with. David was no stranger to betrayal: “If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure […]
Jesus foretells his betrayal and denial Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 71; John 13:21-33, 36-38 In the first reading, we see the Second Song of the Suffering Servant of the Lord. This Suffering Servant of Lord in the Prophecy of Isaiah is Jesus Christ. He is the Light of the nations that has brought the dawn of […]
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai INTRODUCTION The progress, growth and development of any group or organization are largely dependent on their leaders. Where there is underdevelopment or stunted growth leaders are questioned and criticized. The frustrations and torture we go through in this country today is simply a reflection of the kind of leaders at the helm […]