Jesus Anointed at Bethany ISAIAH 42:1-7; PSALM 27; JOHN 12:1-11 All four gospels present an account of Jesus being anointed by a woman with a costly jar of perfume (Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9; Luke 7:36–50; John 12:1–8). Only John’w gospel identified the woman as Mary of Bethany (John 11:2), sister to Martha and Lazarus. Mary’s […]
Monthly Archives: April 2023
FR. DANIEL EVBOTOKHAI COMMEMORATION OF THE LORD’S ENTRANCE INTO JERUSALEM (Homily, before the procession Matthew 21,1-11) Palm Sunday also known as Passion Sunday is the first day of the Holy Week. It is signified in churches with the waving of palm branches and singing of “Hosanna!” It commemorates the entrance of […]
Palm Sunday also known as Passion Sunday is the first day of the Holy Week. It is signified in churches with the waving of palm branches and singing of “Hosanna!” It commemorates the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, when they took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed […]
CAIAPHAS’ PROPHESY EZEKIEL 37:21-28; PSALM – JEREMIAH 31:10-13; JOHN 11:45-56 Caiaphas prophesied saying; “it is better for one man to die for the people, than for the whole nation to be destroyed” (John 11:50). This prophesy is true about Jesus’ mission and purpose but it was understood literally. Due to the miracles and the widespread […]