The Prayer of Jesus Christ. 

ACTS 20:17-27; PSALM 68; JOHN 17:1-11

The gospel reading presents us with the prayer of Jesus Christ. Although the sentences are brief, the thoughts are profound, compelling, and significant. The Bible is filled with great prayers. We are impressed with Solomon’s prayer (1 Kings 8), Abraham’s prayer (Genesis 18), and Moses’ prayer (Exodus 32), but this prayer is by far the greatest recorded in the Bible. The prayer touches many themes in the Gospel: glory, glorify, sent, believe, world, love. These themes clearly explains his mission, purpose and legacy. 

Again, the gospel says “He lifted up His eyes to heaven”: This reveals the gesture of Jesus Christ during prayer. In prayers, gesture is essential. The Church emphasizes liturgical gestures as a sign of devotion and reverence rather than a mere show. The Bible shows that Jesus had a liturgical gestures as well ( Cf.John 11:41, Mark 7:34).

The phrase “He lifted up His eyes to heaven” further suggests that Jesus was not despondent or gloomy in this prayer but rather gazed up with hope. This prayer acknowledges the reality of our early lives while expressing trust, confidence and victory. 

At this time Jesus was about leaving the people and he gave glory to God for all that was done through him. Similarly, Paul in the first reading was about leaving Ephesus for Jerusalem, he recounted his work in Ephesus and expressed great faith as he enters Jerusalem. Beloved, at the end of our stay here on earth we shall all head towards the heavenly Jerusalem. Are we going be proud of our work? Can we recount our work and give glory to God?  



Grant, we pray, almighty and merciful God, that the Holy Spirit, coming near and dwelling graciously within us, may make of us a perfect temple of his glory. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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