
TOBIT 2:9-14; PSALM 112; MARK 12:13-17

Tobit loses his sight due to a simple accident; yet every effort to restore him made the situation worse. Tobit 2:10 says “the more ointments they tried me with, the more the spots blinded me, and in the end I became blind altogether.” A simple mistake may aggravate into a difficult situation don’t lose heart. Even when his wife tried to discouraged Tobit faithfulness to God on account of the frustration, Tobit said nothing against God. We often appear faithless moments we should stand for our faith.

In the Gospel, Jesus was asked about paying tax to Caesar. He told them that they should pay money to Caesar because Caesar’s head is on the coin, but they must give to God what belongs to God. This reminds us of our religious and social obligations. A good Christian is also a good citizen. Obey God and respect the laws of the State.

However, when the laws of the State are against the basic Christian teachings we must learn to stand by our convictions. Sadly, we easily give up when our faith is challenged; Tobit did not reject his faith because of his pains. Today’s psalm encourages the righteous saying “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. …yet in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.” (Ps.112:7-8). Be steadfast in faith regardless of comfort or suffering.


O God, whose providence never fails in its design, keep from us, we humbly beseech you,

all that might harm us and grant all that works for our good. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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