Fear and Persecution
Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 69; Romans 5:12-15; Matthew 10:26-33
When we come across something that we can’t control, comprehend, or we believe will hurt us, fear develops. Fear is one of the most popular weapons the Devil uses against the children of God. When fear overwhelms us it controls every move and decision we make. The Bible mentions two specific types of fear: Beneficial fear and detrimental fear. In the gospel, Jesus draws our minds to this two kinds of fear when he says “do no fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt.10:28). Beneficial fear is the fear of the Lord. It is a reverential admiration of God. Fear of the Lord brings with it many blessings and benefits; Proverbs 1:7 says, it is the beginning of wisdom. The later is the detrimental fear. Paul calls it “spirit of fear” in 2 Tim.1:7; he says “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”.
We can also talk about Natural fear and Conditioned fear. Natural fears are the ones that we are born with. For example to be sacred of a lion is natural. Don’t lay claim to divine power and go and dare a lion. Conditioned fear develops after a bad event in the past, which can cause anxiety disorders and make us avoid situations out of fear that it will happen again. For example; the fear of going to the village because a friend went to the village and died mysteriously. Therefore, fear is beneficial when it protects us from damage. But detrimental when it prevents us from moving forward.
We have the example of Prophet Jeremiah in the first reading. He had every reason to be afraid of those who were planning his down fall and who wanted him silenced because they did not like his preaching. Yet, he stood his ground for God was on his side. If God is on our side we shall fall aside, Rom.8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us? 2 Kings 6:16 “Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Jesus says in the gospel “do not be afraidof those who can kill the buddy but can’t kill the soul”. If there is anyone you must fear…. fear God. In life persecutions are real; but opportunities are endless for the daring while obstacles abound for the frightened.
Persecution: One of the inevitable results of leading a Christian life is persecution. However it equally serves as a means of Christian maturity. No suffering, no growth. No glory, no suffering. No fight, no winning. No punishment, no reward. We should not be discouraged when we are persecuted. Jesus says in Matt.10: 26, “nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known”. Jesus reminds here that we do not have to have all the answers or convince everyone. In God’s time, not ours, all will be made clear. Do not be afraid “Even the hair on your head are counted”. God loves us personally. When going through persecution know that God loves you personally.
Divine acknowledgement: If we successfully handle our fears and stay bold in the days of persecution we shall be acknowledged by the Father. Matt. 10:32-33 “Therefore everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men,I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. Jeremiah did not deny God, Peter and Paul when they realized their position in Christ did not fear death; the martyrs and the saints did not fear death and they were acknowledged in heaven. If we too rise up in similar courage we shall be acknowledged in heaven. But if we deny him for fear or favour we shall face the implication.Christ may be denied in three ways; doctrinally, by an erroneous and heretical judgment; verbally, by oral expressions; vitally, by a wicked and unholy life.
Let us pray
Grant, O Lord, that we may always revere and love your holy name, for you never deprive of your guidance those you set firm on the foundation of your love. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen!
Rev. Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai