LEVITICUS 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34-37; PSALM 81; MATTHEW 13:54-58

Jesus said, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, and in his own house” (Matt.13:57). We frequently have misconstrued notions of what it means to be spiritual. We usually assume that spiritual people should have stranger behavior than normal. We often imagine that spiritual people should dress in ancient garb, eat just once a week, speak in hushed tones, wear long bears, and have very bushy hair on their heads. Consequently, individuals who are close to highly spiritual people see just how normal they are and sometimes think that they are not spiritual because they are normal.

Despite the many miracles Jesus had performed, his own people did not believe in him. They probably took him for granted because of their assumptions about spiritual people. As a result of this, Jesus did not work many miracles among them. Whenever we take genuine ministers for granted, we cannot benefit from their gifts.

Let us learn to honor and respect true spiritual leaders. God communicates with his people through them. The first reading exemplified this function in Moses’ obedience to God’s command regarding the solemn holidays of Passover and Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement).

Similarly, the Church celebrates the memorial of St. John Mary Vianney today. He was a priest; he spent almost forty-two years of his life devoting himself to prayer, mortification, and pastoral works. His success in directing souls made him known throughout the Christian world. Men of all ranks and conditions of life sought his guidance and advice. He was beatified by Pope St. Pius X, and canonized by Pope Pius XI. He is the patron saint of parish priests. 


Heavenly Father, we are poor and miserable sinners. We know your will, but we are too weak to fulfill it. Our flesh and blood hold us back, and our enemy the devil will not leave us in peace. Pour your Holy Spirit in our hearts, that with steadfast faith we may cling to your Son Jesus Christ and live as overcomers. Amen

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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