Deuteronomy 4:32-40; Psalm 76; Matthew 16:24-28
Moses exhorts the people to turn back to God in the first reading by reminding them of the Horeb theophany, the Exodus, and all that God had done for them in both Egypt and the wilderness. God had been faithful to them, therefore they should only serve Him. While we frequently lack trust, God is always loyal. Beloved, remember the wonders of the Lord, and come back to him.
In the Gospel, Jesus says, If we want to be his true followers, we must take up our cross. The cross is a condition for authentic Christian life. Denial of the cross is satanic. When Peter rebuked the cross of Jesus, in response, Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” We must learn to accept the cross and follow Jesus. The call is tough, but the reward is matchless. Do not be faithless.
In St. Clare, the Church offers us a role model today. She made the decision to renounce her luxurious lifestyle in favor of a life of piety and poverty when she was just 18 years old. She exhorts us to love in a self-sacrificing way—a love that bears all things for the sake of Christ. She interpreted “go forth in peace” to imply “go forth without fear.” Beloved, God is always with us, therefore we are to move on fearlessly.
Summarily, true followers of Christ must always remember the deeds of the Lord, remain faithful, and move on fearlessly or confidently.
Father, have mercy and save us. May we not take your love, care and gifts for granted. Amen.
St. Clare, pray for us!
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai