COLOSSIANS 1:9-14; PSALM 98; LUKE 5:1-11

“We worked hard all night long and caught nothing.” (Luke5:5). Some of the reasons people work and have nothing to show for it may include a lack of skills or knowledge, a lack of clarity or direction, external factors such as economic conditions, market forces, or unexpected setbacks.

More so, Psalm 127:1 says,127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Therefore, seeking the will of God and acting in accordance with it is an essential protocol for success in any human venture. If God has not approved an undertaking, we shall labour day and night in vain. Psalm 34:10 says, “A strong lion suffers, wants, and goes hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no blessings.” Seek the Lord, and your struggles will be meaningful.

Again, we often claim mastery of our fields at the expense of Christ’s counsel. We rely so much on our own understanding and neglect the possibility of divine wisdom. Simon was an expert in fishing, yet he listened to Jesus’ directives and had a great catch. Let us listen to Jesus and ease our struggles. We all need guidance, regardless of our expertise. Through spiritual direction or guidance, we cultivate our interior life to withstand the failures and challenges in this world.

In a bid to rejoice over the miraculous catch of fish, Jesus called Peter and his friends to follow him. The gospel says, “They left everything and followed him.” In spite of our successes and victories, we too should learn the ways of detachment and selflessness.

Jesus figuratively caught Peter in His net before commanding him to “catch men” for the Kingdom of God. The primary mandate of our vocation is to be fishers of men, not fishermen. This mission demands that each of us, as in Luke 5:3–4, “put out a little away from the land” in order to “put out into the deep water for a catch”. That is, we have to step backward a bit in order to throw the net deeply into the water. So, the church sets us apart for great impart.


Lord Jesus, come and ease the burdens of our labours; we are toiling all night and day yet to no avail; teach us, help us, and save us. Amen

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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