1 Timothy 6:2c–12; Psalm 49; Luke 8:1-3
Luke 8:1–3 illustrates the call of the women who followed Jesus in his ministry. Jesus needed a large team of people to support him in his work. The twelve played a significant part, but a great number of other people made the effort possible.
Some women assisted in the ministry of Jesus. These women witnessed the episode on Mount Calvary; they were present at his burial, and they saw the Risen Lord. Many of them gave their resources and testified to the Lord’s resurrection.
Some of these women gave their resources and cared for Christ’s ministry. Many women (religious nuns and laypeople) are still very supportive today. Their care must not be misunderstood or attacked. Beloved, we must not cease to promote the good news through our availability, collaboration, and resources. Lastly, in the words of St. Paul in the first reading, we must continue to aim for righteousness.
Almighty God, may we serve you with all our hearts, minds, and actions. Help us use your gifts to promote your kingdom. Teach us to be available for missions and to support missionary work. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai