Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15; Psalm – Jeremiah 31:10-13; Luke 9:43-45
In today’s gospel, Jesus had to remind the disciples of his mission. Earlier in Luke 9, Jesus exhibited His majesty in two dramatic ways: the transfiguration and the casting out of a stubborn demon. Nonetheless, He reminded His apostles that His mission had not altered; He had still come to die on the cross for our sins.
The numerous religious and spiritual activities that are taking place in the Church today are serving as diversionary factors from the universal call to holiness and salvation. The church is overburdened with ephemeral events to the detriment of the eternal. The gospel message of today urges us to avoid becoming sidetracked from our task. Do not be carried away by the dramatic moves in the Church today.
In the first reading from Zechariah, the Lord promises the people that he will defend them and that he will be the glory that resides among them in the heart of the city. If God is the focal point of our daily lives, then we shall not lose our salvation.
Father, have mercy and save us. Through the Holy Spirit, help us overcome the errors of activism. Lord Jesus, guide our minds and hearts toward salvation. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai