The Rich Fool
Romans 4:20-25; Psalm – Luke 1:69-75; Luke 12:13-21
Luke 12:13–21 presents us with the “Parable of the Rich Fool”. Biblically, a fool is one who rebels against God or who has forgotten God. The man rebelled by attributing all the glory to himself. He accumulated wealth but was not sensitive to the desires of God. Any Christian who accumulates wealth without amassing grace may die foolishly.
How can we avert shameful death? Don’t be a rich fool, and don’t be a poor fool. A poor fool seeks the face of God to fulfill their greed and appetite. A rich fool puts his trust in riches. Again, to avoid shameful death, know that your soul will be required of you.
Beloved, don’t amass wealth; equally endeavor to amass grace. What really matters is making ourselves rich in the sight of God. Thus, Paul explains in the first reading that having faith is just as important as following the rules. Faith in God goes with good works.
Let us pray
Lord Jesus, edify my weak human nature to resist unnecessary commodities, those classified as evident luxury. May I subdue all greedy tendencies! Amen.