The good portion Jonah 3:1–10; Psalm 130; Luke 10:38–42 The gospel reading presents us with one of the encounters Jesus had with Martha and Mary. When Jesus was in their house, Martha was distracted with much serving while Mary was attentive to him. “Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away […]
Monthly Archives: October 2023
The Good Samaritan Jonah 1:1-2:1, 11; Psalm – Jonah 2:3-5, 8; Luke 10:25-37 Reflecting on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Pope Francis says, “The priest and the Levite saw but ignored; they looked but did not offer to help. Yet there is no true worship if it is not translated into service to a […]
FRUITFUL TENANTS Isaiah 5:1–7; Ps. 80; Phil. 4:6–9; Matthew 21:33–43 1. Today’s gospel reading presents us with the relationship between landlords and tenants. The Bible calls it the parable of the wicked tenants, which directly expresses the landlord’s displeasure with the behavior of the tenants. Oftentimes, tenants get to complain a lot about landlords the […]
OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY Acts 1:12-14; Psalm – Luke 1; Luke 1:26-38 Mary is at the center of our readings today. In the first reading, the apostles gathered with Mary in prayer at the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Similarly, the Psalm presents us with Mary’s beautiful prayer, the Magnificat, a song of praise, while […]
MARY VISITS ELIZABETH Baruch 1:15–21/Psalm 79:1–5, 8.9/Hebrews 2:14–18; Luke 1:39–56 The gospel reading this evening presents us with the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. This visitation is a significant event in Christian theology, and it is described specifically in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:39–56). It draws our minds to the encounter between two women, […]
CHRIST’S MESSAGE Baruch 1:15-22; Psalm 78; Luke 10:13–16 In the Gospel, Jesus lamented over the people and regions that did not accept his message despite the miracles they witnessed (Luke 10:13). To whom much is given, more is expected. The cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum received much but repented little. It’s a very big […]
Nehemiah 8:1–12; Psalm 18; Luke 10:1–12 THE WIDER MISSION In Matthew 10:5 and Mark 6:7, Jesus sent out the twelve, but in Luke 10:1, he sent out 70 others. Obviously, 70 is greater than 12. Therefore, today’s gospel presents us with the wider mission of the church. While the twelve were sent out to the […]
Believers and excuses Nehemiah 2:1–8; Psalm 136; Luke 9:57–62 Luke 9:57–62 presents us with the “cost of discipleship.” Jesus sets out on his final journey to Jerusalem. This journey carries a sense of purpose, urgency, and a frame of danger. Precisely because of this imminent danger, those who indicated interest in following him gave excuses. […]
Memorial of Thérèse of Lisieux Samaritan Opposition Zechariah 8:20–23; Psalm 87; Luke 9:51–56 Luke 9:51–56 demonstrates the animosity that existed between Jews and Samaritans at the time of Jesus. However, the disciples’ way of dealing with the issue and the Lord’s way differ. The disciples were furious when they were not received in the village […]
Imoyera Otse Nigeria! I call it a country! With love, pain, sorrow, and happiness Complicated right? Yes! ‘We experience hardship every day: death, poverty, corruption, and wildfire. We live in a country where students, against all odds, sponsor themselves to and through school. And after this struggle and acquiring all certificates with so much effort, […]