The law of love
Romans 9:1–5; Psalm 147; Luke 14:1-6
“Which of you, having a son or an ox that has fallen into a well, will not immediately pull him out on a Sabbath day?” Jesus asked this question to demonstrate his concern and love for everyone, in contrast to the Pharisees, who, at the detriment of human life and welfare, observed the Sabbath law.
Contrary to what the Pharisees believed, the healing of the man with dropsy in today’s gospel does not contravene the Sabbath law. Jesus makes it very apparent that the greatest law—love of God and neighbor—supersedes all others. Laws should not impede acts of kindness and love.
The Pharisees were devoted to God but neglected their neighbors. How are we different today? We are asked to treat one another with genuine concern. Let us cleanse our world of hate, negligence, and apathy like Jesus did. In all things, let the law of love be our propeller.
Let us pray.
Father, have mercy and forgive us for our sins. Give us the grace to love as you love. Holy Spirit, empower us anew and increase us in wisdom; we ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.