The Great Banquet

Romans 11:29–36; Ps. 69; Luke 14:12–14

Today’s gospel presents us with the parable of the great banquet. However, we are limited to the first part of the parable (Luke 14:12–14). The parable illustrates God’s inclusivity and grace. The master extends an invitation to everyone, including the destitute, the disabled, the blind, and the lame. This means that everyone is invited to salvation by God, irrespective of their circumstances or social standing.

Still in the parable, Jesus says, “When you give a lunch or dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid.” It is evident from this statement that we shouldn’t take actions just to obtain benefits, advantages, or favours. We should be selfless, not self-serving.

On the other hand, St. Paul in the first reading reminds us about God’s sovereignty and unchanging promises. Paul also affirms that everything exists for God’s glory. This can inspire believers to live in a way that reflects God’s glory through their actions and attitudes. Selflessness is one of the best ways we can preach Christ in today’s world.

Let us pray.

Father, have mercy and forgive us. Give us strength to do your will and keep us free from greed, troubles, and perils. Amen. 

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