The Great Banquet (II)

Romans 12:5–16; Psalm 130; Luke 14:15–24

This is a continuation of the parable of the great banquet we had yesterday. This is a parable about the Kingdom of God; it expresses God’s plan for the salvation of all men.

However, the part of the parable we read focuses on our responses to God’s invitation. According to the parable, some refused the invitation; some violently opposed the invitation; and another was not clothed in the proper garment. Beloved, what shall separate us from the Kingdom of God? Let us lay aside all excuses and honor God’s invitation.

In addition, St. Paul reminds us that we are all part of Christ’s mystical body, each with a particular role to play. He also tells us that our love for others and for God should be genuine and not pretense, and that we should treat everyone with kindness. If we imbibe Paul’s instructions, we shall have a place in God’s kingdom.

Let us pray.

Gracious God, grant us open minds and open hearts to honor your invitation. Through the power of our Holy Spirit, help us to resist the forces that militate against this sacred call, and may we have the courage to face life’s challenges and the resilience to remain faithful to you. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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