Rom. 15:14–21; Ps. 98; Luke 16:1–8
Luke 16:1–13 presents us with the parable of the crafty steward. This steward neglected his duties, and at the point of being dismissed, he devised a crafty means to secure his future.
This is not to extol dishonesty or craftiness; rather, Christ wants us to be honest stewards who can genuinely use their resources to secure eternal life. Therefore, rather than being crafty, let us be honest and generous. Rather than being fake, be real; do not be manipulative; be genuine and honest, so that when at last we are dismissed from this world, we shall find a place to live.
Just as the owner said to the dishonest steward, “Give an accounting of your management” at the end of our lives, we shall give account to God. Paul, in ministering to the Gentiles, demonstrated the character of a good steward in the first reading. He completely carried out God’s will. A good steward is one who carries out the master’s will.
Let us pray
Almighty and ever-faithful God, gratefully acknowledging your mercy and humbly admitting our needs, we ask for help and strength to do your will at all times. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai