
Wisdom 2:23–3:9; Psalm 33; Luke 17:7–10

“We are worthless slaves; we have only done what we ought to have done!” People frequently take actions in an effort to gain attention or receive appreciation from others. Such people are motivated by human rewards and awards.

A true Christian should express sincere humility, irrespective of recognition. His or her actions should be motivated by eternal glory. The very moment we seek and desire earthly relevance, we reduce our eternal chances.

Therefore, this gospel directs attention away from personal entitlement or recognition and encourages a focus on doing God’s will. The primary goal is to serve God faithfully, irrespective of personal accolades.

This gospel also teaches delayed gratification. This is seen in the example of the servant waiting to eat and drink after the master’s meal. Every disciple is expected to delay personal gratification for the sake of serving. Disciples are encouraged to prioritize the fulfillment of their responsibilities before seeking personal comfort.

Lastly, the first reading from Wisdom 2:23–3:9 provides insights into the divergent fates of the virtuous and the ungodly, highlighting the hope, trials, and final recompense of those who stick to God. If we remain humble, faithful, and dedicated, we shall be at peace after our early lives.

Let us pray

Almighty Father, increase our faith and teach us to be humble and selfless. Help us to grow above human accolades and recognize you in all things. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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