The Kingdom of God
Wisdom 7:22–8:1; Psalm 119; Luke 17:20–25
Jesus tells the Pharisees in the gospel that the kingdom has come, yet they failed to realize it. With these words, Jesus clarifies the nature of the kingdom. For him, the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed with visible signs. It is not an external, tangible entity but a reality that resides within the hearts of those who embrace God’s rule.
Rather than living in love, the Pharisees were searching for the signs of God’s kingdom. Beloved, we need to realize that we can actually have a foretaste of heaven here on earth when we live as brothers and sisters. If we truly live in love, we shall have a taste of God’s kingdom here on earth.
Jesus also speaks about His second, suggesting that His coming will be sudden and unexpected. He draws a parallel between the days of the Son of Man and the days of Noah. This comparison suggests that, just as people were caught unaware during the flood, so too will many be surprised by the sudden arrival of the Son of Man.
Summarily, today’s gospel simply calls for a balance between eschatological expectation and faithfulness in the present. To achieve this, we need to seek wisdom. The first reading tells us that wisdom is transcendent, all-encompassing, and leads to the throne of God. Wisdom is profitable!
Father, help us to realize that this life is not all about us but about you. Help us to live in peace and harmony with those around us so that after our earthly life, we shall be numbered among the saints through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai