Wisdom 18:14-16, 19:6-9; Psalm 105; Luke 18:1-8
Luke 18:1–8 presents us with the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge. This parable reminds us to be “persistent in prayer.” The widow persistently sought justice from the unjust judge. We are encouraged to persevere in our prayers and not lose heart.
Again, this parable calls to mind “God’s Justice”. If an unjust judge could grant justice based on persistent requests, God, who is ever just and caring, would attend to the prayers of his children.
The parable also teaches about “faith and patience.” Let us be patient with ourselves and have faith in God. Trust in God’s faithfulness, regardless of the results. Prayer is not all about results or benefits but about a relationship with God.
Similarly, the first reading reminds us of God’s faithfulness to his people, while the psalm calls us to remember the wonders the Lord has done. Friends, God never fails, and he will not fail us whenever we call on him.
Let us pray
Father, have mercy and hear us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, revive us again and increase the grace of prayer in us. Cast away our fears and make us bold through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai