Our Sight

1 Maccabees 1:10–15, 41–43, 54–57, Ps. 119, and Luke 18:35–43

The first reading tells us how Antiochus Epiphanes persecuted the Jews. Under his watch were sacrileges, the desecration of religious places and the denial of religious freedom. In fact, he condemned to death anyone found to be with the books of the law and ensured total repudiation of the law.

We all have this sacrilegious tendency today. We still commit sacrileges; the abuses in churches today are worse than the ones Epiphanes did. Yet we are blind to our faults; we have a perfect religious sense of ourselves and see others as worse sinners.

Like the blind man in today’s gospel, we need to beg Jesus to open our eyes. We may have physical sight, but spiritually blind. The eyes of many spiritual and temporal leaders today are closed to seeing the reality of those under their watch. May God open our eyes so that we may see and do his will at all times. Amen.

Let us pray.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, have mercy on us and forgive us for the many profanations, desecrations, and injustices in the church. Open our eyes to see your love and express it. Open our eyes to see what needs to be done, and give us the grace to do it. Amen 

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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