Daniel’s interpretation
Daniel 2:31–45; Psalm 3:57–61; Luke 21:5–11
Daniel 2:31–45 is a narrative of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s interpretation of it. Daniel explains that the dream underscores the rise and fall of earthly powers and the temporary nature of human empires. Therefore, in the face of the uncertainties and upheavals, let us have hope in the establishment of God’s everlasting kingdom.
Daniel’s interpretation of the dream illustrates how God can make hidden mysteries clear to His servants. God reveals the meaning of complex visions to his people. God speaks, but we must resist false interpretations.
When God speaks, the underlining principle is salvation. Ask yourself, ‘Where is salvation in my dreams, visions, prophecies, and revelations?’ Most of us engage in meaningless interpretation; we force ourselves to produce interpretations that have no bearing on God’s plan. Even our interpretation of scripture, let alone our vision, is to suit the king and massage their ego. Let’s guard against false interpretations.
Similarly, in the gospel, while Christ was speaking about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, he warned his followers to guard against the antichrist and their manipulative acts. Beloved, desist from fanciful predictions and calculations of dates. Do not be anxious about the end of time; rather, be conscious of having a perfect end through proper preparation.
Let us pray
Father, in your mercy, keep us free from sin today. May we not walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But delight in your word. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai