God’s Mountain 

Isaiah 25:6–10; Psalm 23; Matthew 15:29–37

The Lord invites us to a bounquet on his holy mountain. On that mountain, the Bible says he will destroy the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death for ever, and he will wipe away tears from all faces. These benefits, among many others, await us on the mountain only if we can climb it.

In the gospel, Jesus healed the sick and fed the multitude that came to meet him on the mountaintop. Jesus cares for our spiritual and material needs. But we must endeavor to climb his holy mountain. To climb the holy mountain requires holiness and purity (Ps. 24:3–4). This Advent, let us strive to be holy. Without holiness, we cannot enjoy divine blessings, nor can we experience true satisfaction.

Lastly, Jesus had concern for the hungry crowd. He performs a miraculous feeding with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. They came to him hungry, and they were fed spiritually and physically. As minsters or believers, people should not come to us hungry and leave hungry. If we can’t feed them physically, let us endeavor to feed them spiritually.

Let us pray

Prepare our hearts; we pray, O Lord our God, by your divine power, so that at the coming of Christ your Son we may be found worthy of the banquet of eternal life and merit to receive heavenly nourishment from his hands. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever? Amen!

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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