God of Wonders
JUDGES 13:2-7, 24-25; PSALM 71; LUKE 1:5-25
“There was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah. His wife was barren, having borne no children. And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, ‘Although you are barren, having borne no children, you shall conceive and bear a son.’” (Judges 13:2-3). The birth of Samson was announced by an angel, an experience that foretold the birth of John the Baptist.
And so, the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Zechariah is described in the gospel. The angel assures him that, despite her advanced age, his wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son. The angel informs Zechariah that the child is to be named John and that he will be great in the eyes of the Lord, bringing many people back to the Lord.
The mothers of Isaac, Jacob, Samson, and Samuel, as well as other barren women, are frequently depicted in the Bible. Through their experiences, God raised men for generations and restored his people. Do not be discouraged if you are currently in a barren situation. God can change your story for his glory. While these women were barren, Mary conceived a virgin. God works in ways we can’t imagine. His plan and purpose underline every story. Stay focused!
God does not fail his people, and he will not fail you! Zechariah doubted the angel’s message and was muted. We ask for God’s grace with our own doubts and difficulties.
Let us pray.
O God, who through the childbearing of the Holy Virgin graciously revealed the radiance of your glory to the world, grant, we pray, that we may venerate with integrity of faith the mystery of so wondrous an incarnation and always celebrate it with due reverence. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai