Holy innocents

1John 1:5-2:2; Psalm 124; Matthew 2:13-18

Today the church celebrates the memorial of the small children of the neighborhood of Bethlehem who were murdered by Herod while he was out for the infant Jesus.

Herod wanted to kill the infant Jesus because he felt that his birth was a threat to his throne. So he killed in order to secure his throne. Today, people still kill to secure positions and offices. Let’s admit our sins and ask God for mercy for the injuries done to others through negligence and over-ambition.

Again, many innocents are killed on a daily basis through abortion, ethunesia, etc., while others are dying as a result of lies, false accusations, depression, poverty, hunger, bad governance, fake products, insecurity, and the like.

Where is our hope? St. John tells us in the first reading to live as children of light, doing what is right and good. If we do this, then the world will be a better place, and we will save our souls.

Let us pray

O God, whom the Holy Innocents confessed and proclaimed on this day, not by speaking but by dying, grant, we pray, that the faith in you which we confess with our lips may also speak through our manner of life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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