Don’t go to confession because you want to receive Holy Communion. Do not go to confession, because it’s the end of the year. I know the law says, “Go to confession at least once a year.” I have had a lot of people come for confession this period—not bad, of course.
Beyond going for ‘end of year confession’ in order to begin the new year in a state of grace or on a clean slate, it is important to know that our resolve not to sin again should not just be mere words but firm resolve, with a purpose to amend our ways.
Be ready to amend your ways and put in place practical measures to adjust before coming to confession. People have been seen to attend the confessional more frequently so that they might receive Holy Communion on Sunday or begin the year in holiness, but not sincerely willing to correct their ways during the year. Why this routine?
At the confessional, the priest says, “Go and sin no more.” These words are not mere words of dismissal but of exhortation. We are expected to strive against sin by avoiding the occasions of sin. The occasions of sin do not only mean a club house and a brothel, but all the persons, places, habits, words, and things that may easily lead us into sin.
More so, let’s avoid repeating sins. Repeated sins result in ‘obstinacy in’sin’—one of the six sins against the Holy Spirit. Obstinacy in sin is the willful persistence in wickedness and running on from sin to sin after sufficient instructions and admonition. In obstinacy, you ask for mercy yet willfully return to such sin. Spiritual life in a vicious circle is not a sign of spiritual growth. Obstinacy can be forgiven like all sins, but only when it ceases.
Again, don’t glory in sin and say to yourself, “I will go to confession afterwards.” Listen,even though you go to confession, you deny yourself the grace of forgiveness. How? The Church teaches that the fundamental condition for receiving forgiveness is repentance founded on supernatural love for God, sometimes called perfect contrition.
When repentance is based on something less or motivated by mere routine, we deny ourselves forgiveness. So, don’t go to confession because you want to receive Holy Communion. Go to confession because you want to repent and resolve to live a holy life.
Lastly, truth be told, some people don’t need confession but counseling. Certain habits or vices should be confronted through counseling. Oftentimes, time spent at the confessional is not sufficient for counseling and redress. So after confession, penitents are encouraged to seek counseling and spiritual direction where it is possible.
Compliments of the season 🎉
Father Daniel Evbotokhai