Rev. Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

(Spiritual Adviser, KSJI, Commamdery 553, and Laux 462)

The perception of the knights as a secret cult is frequently based on idealized beliefs created by particular conditions or factors. These factors may include exclusivity and rituals, limited public information, mysterious symbols, media and literary portrayals, and misconceptions. Nevertheless, it is important to note that, generally, the Knights were essentially religious or charitable organizations with defined purposes and contributions to society, not cults, despite the possibility of secrecy or exclusivity. Hence, to further clear our doubts or fears, this article desires to briefly clarify the aforementioned factors.

Exclusivity and rituals: Historically, the order of hierarchy, norms of conduct, and hidden rites associated with knighthood have created an atmosphere of exclusivity. The Knights of St. John conducted their activities discreetly due to political, military, or religious reasons. Hence, the secrecy of some initiation rites and ceremonies gave the impression of a secret cult to non-members.

Limited public information: Limited public knowledge or a lack of openness regarding the inner workings or operations of the organization may occasionally fuel conjecture and misconceptions regarding its clandestine methods. Apart from the knighthood, most organizations or professions possess this character. It’s not evil in nature, but it enhances the confidentiality of adherents.

Mysterious symbolism: The Church, from tradition, preserves most of her rites and practices in symbols. The Knights of St. John, like other ancient orders, possessed unique regalia, symbols, and emblems that were not readily recognizable to outsiders. These symbols contribute to a feeling of secrecy among the external audience.

Media and literary portrayals: The idea of secrecy or exclusivity may be strengthened by depictions of the order in books, movies, or other media, which may highlight their secretive aspects or exaggerate their customs for dramatic effect. In fact, we cannot erase the adverse effects of media representation when it comes to certain beliefs today. For example, because of the use of black cats in African magic, many of us Africans are quick to judge black cats as demons.

Misconceptions: Inaccurate information or misperceptions regarding the objectives, background, and methods of the order can give rise to misunderstandings and facilitate the idea that it is a secretive or cult-like organization. This misconception can also be fueled by an individual who, though a member of a secret cult, becomes a member of the knighthood without the adequate knowledge of the relevant authorities.

These factors, and possibly others, have led to a negative perception of knighthood in general. For these reasons, a great many admirers of their courageous and noble character avoid their company or fellowship. After considering these aspects, it would be wise for us to let go of the idea that the knights are a secret cult.

The Knights of St. John International (KSJI)

The Knights of St. John International, officially known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta, is a religiously oriented global organization with a long history of humanitarian assistance and charitable acts. It was born after the spirituality of St. John the Baptist and is well known for its paramilitary character, which distinguishes it from other orders.

Historically, the Knights of St. John were a religious order founded in the eleventh century to provide medical treatment and assistance to the sick and underprivileged in Jerusalem during the Crusades. With time, their goal grew to include more humanitarian work in addition to treating soldiers and pilgrims with medical care.

However, with the passage of time, Knights of St. John International has further developed into the promotion of the Catholic faith and values, community growth and development, healthcare services, disaster relief, charitable causes, and humanitarian aid. Its members, referred to as Knights or Dames, participate in a broad range of charitable endeavors through its numerous national and local chapters called commanderies. The men are popularly referred to as “sirs,” while the women are called “ladies.” Other names may include “brothers and sisters” or “knights and Laux,” as it dissociates the men from the women, notably their wives.


The core values of Knights of St. John International are a deep dedication to reducing suffering and advancing global well-being. Regardless of ethnicity, religion, or faith, our aim is to support communities suffering difficulty, serve the vulnerable, and offer healthcare. Knight of St. John International is more than just a title; it’s a chance to live up to the principles of kindness, morality, and service. Being a member of the order gives you the opportunity to significantly impact the lives of countless people worldwide. Among the many activities you’ll participate in as a member are:

Advocacy for Catholic Values: The Knights of St. John International emphasizes Catholic or Christian values. These values are deeply rooted in the church’s teachings, scriptures, doctrines, and social teachings. Members are encouraged to embody virtues such as humility, charity, and selflessness, reflecting the teachings of Christ and his Church.

Promotion of the faith: The Knights of St. John International collaborates with the church, dioceses, or religious institutions in various charitable and philanthropic initiatives. They assist in supporting church-led projects, providing resources, or offering assistance to the clergy, training priests, and caring for the faithful in need.

Community Development: They work together with a range of stakeholders within the church and other corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and local leaders for community development. It places a strong emphasis on members’ involvement in the process of recognizing problems, establishing priorities, and putting solutions into action.

Humanitarian Services: They provide assistance, support, and interventions to alleviate suffering and meet the immediate needs of people affected by crises, disasters, conflicts, or situations of extreme vulnerability, healthcare facilities, offering medical assistance, and promoting health education. Knight of St. John International donated ₦8 million to victims of the 2022 flood crisis that affected about twelve states in Nigeria, including Edo state. This is just one of the many ways they intervene in disaster control and humanitarian services.

Healthcare services: Knight of St. John International was initially established to provide medical care and aid to pilgrims in Jerusalem. Thus, in order to stop the spread of disease and enhance health outcomes in affected communities, they work assiduously and even with other organizations to set up mobile clinics, administer immunizations, respond to medical crises, and offer medical help. Recently, during the 46th Joint Grand Board of Trustees Meeting (JGBOT) of the Benin Grand Commandery and Ladies Auxiliary held at Fugar, Edo State, the knights and ladies engaged in a pro-life walk against abortion and other ills.

Therefore, joining a distinguished order dedicated to serving God and humanity is an opportunity in a world full of challenges where compassion and care are essential. Join this noble cause and become a part of an honorable tradition of compassion, service, and unshakable commitment to people in need. Membership provides a multitude of benefits for both personal and spiritual development, including selfless service, a sense of purpose, and connections with like-minded people throughout the world who share a commitment to humanitarian services.

Any devoted Catholic who is committed to serving humanity with selflessness is welcome to become a member of the Knights of St. John International. Hence, interested persons are to speak with the local commandery in their area or stop by the parish office to learn more about opportunities to participate or offer assistance. Accept the invitation to contribute to a legacy that knows no boundaries and gives hope to those in need. Come, let’s put compassion into practice and truly change the world. Come be a light of service and hope in the world by joining us today.

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