The first reading (1 Samuel 18:6–9 and 19:1–7) captures the relationship between David and Saul with the themes of jealousy, friendship and the consequences of disobedience.

Saul became jealous of David, and this led to a destructive attitude and a plethora of negative emotions towards David. Those who have fear of inadequacy, fear of abandonment, fear of being replaced, and fear of being judged are always jealous of others. True Christians should be kind and altruistic. Jealousy cost Saul his life. Take it easy with jealousy.

While the public praised David, Saul battled within. Some external accolades fuel jealousy. Some people are not happy because you are often appreciated and celebrated. It’s not your fault that you are loved; however, you can manage your accolades with empathy and understanding towards others. (Don’t do things just to “pepe” others.).

Jonathan was a loyal and true friend to David. In spite of his father’s hostility, he truly cared for David’s safety and well-being. Do we still have true friends? When it comes to making difficult decisions, are we like Jonathan or Judas Iscariot? Beloved, be true not fake.

Again, Jonathan was in a crisis of balancing allegiance to his father and David, his friend. Oftentimes, we find ourselves in a similar situation where we have to balance allegiance to our boss and friends. Navigating such would not be easy; let us pray for grace and discernment. Jonathan interceded for David; we can intercede for our friends.

David’s flight from Saul’s presence shows us the value of departing from dangerous situations. While David had to physically relocate, the principle extends to avoiding poisonous relationships or situations. Run away from occasions of sin and death.

Summarily, the gospel (Mark 3:7–12) presents us with the themes of responsible popularity, compassion in healing, authority over spiritual forces, humility, intentional retreat for prayer, Jesus’ divine identity, and the fulfillment of prophecy. Beloved, let’s learn to be responsible, desist from hatred, and practice Christian virtues.

Let us pray

God grant us the patience to work together with understanding, love, and compassion in our hearts. Let us not be rude or arrogant towards one another. Help us to resist envy and hatred as we show the way to your heavenly kingdom. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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