Mission of the Twelve

1 Kings 2:1-4, 10-12; Psalm 1 Chronicles 29:10-12; Mark 6:7-13

In the gospel, Jesus sent the disciples out two by two with the message of repentance. The mission of the Twelve is the basis of our faith today. Mission keeps the church alive. If the church does not send it, it may end.

For continued growth, therefore, we must imbibe and accept missional ideals. Examples include the authority and empowerment given to us, reliance on God’s supply, the proclamation of repentance, responding to rejection, holistic healing and restoration, community engagement, symbolic acts in ministry, the value of unity and collaboration and teaching by example.

In addition, Jesus also enjoined us to avoid distractions. If we must preach repentance and sustain a life of grace, we must avoid distractions: financial, emotional, and the like.

The first reading presents us with David’s last instruction to Solomon. He implores Solomon to obey all the laws and commandments of the Lord so that he will prosper in everything. Genuine prosperity is a function of obedience to God’s will. Obey God, avoid distractions, be hardworking, and you will prosper.

Let us pray.

Father, give us grace to do your will so that we may enjoy your peace. By the power of the Holy Spirit, free our minds from the many distractions of our souls: prosperity and destiny. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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