The Queen and King
1 Kings 10:1–10; Psalm 37; Mark 7:14–23
In the first reading, the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s wisdom. She came to encounter Solomon for herself, and she was exceedingly blessed with the level of wisdom Solomon manifested. She shows the value of seeking knowledge and understanding from wise individuals.
Solomon’s reputation for wisdom and prosperity extended far beyond his kingdom, demonstrating the power and significance of one’s character and accomplishments. Divine gifts can never be limited by location or opposition.
The first reading also speaks of generosity and exchange. Solomon receives priceless gifts from the Queen, demonstrating the value of giving and the advantages of international trade and cultural interchange.
Queens and kings in our age and time can have mutual dialogue to foster the well-being of nations. Oftentimes, we sit back in pride and arrogance, even though we can learn much from those around us. Whether kings or servants.
In the gospel, like the Pharisees, we are very familiar with the things that are forbidden in our tradition, while we often take for granted the things that are forbidden in our Christian faith. Let’s examine our interior disposition or inner motivation.
Let us pray
Father, help us walk with you in holiness so that we may fulfill our destinies and the purposes of my existence in Jesus name. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai