Acts 3:1–10; Psalm 105; Luke 24:13–35
“They recognized him at the breaking of bread.” This verse shows the paramount place of the Eucharist in the lives of the disciples. Every one of us comes to recognize Jesus better at the breaking of bread. Jesus himself left us with this responsibility when he said, “Do this in memory of me.”.
At the breaking of bread, our cold hearts begin to burn, our blind eyes are opened, and our souls are filled with grace, peace, and joy. Therefore, strengthened by the grace of the Holy Eucharist, like the two disciples of Emmaus, let us return to “Jerusalem” and resume our worship. Let’s return to God and be more docile to his promptings.
Similarly, at the beautiful gate, Peter healed a man who was disabled. He had his spiritual senses awakened. He entered the temple after receiving healing, where he joined the congregation of worshipers. Every spiritual experience ought to improve our relationship with God and take us from the outside to the inside of the temple. Lastly, we are reminded to ask those who hang around our church gates to join us inside the church for spiritual benefits.
Let us pray.
Holy Lord, your followers gave your children something more powerful and valuable than riches. Help us to bring healing and hope to our world. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai