Genesis 3:9–15, 20; Psalm 87; John 19:25–34

Today we celebrate the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church—Mater Ecclesiae. Mary’s role in the church is inseparable from her union with Christ. 

In the gospel, we are presented with the scene at Calvary—the gift that Jesus gives from the Cross—giving his mother to John and John to his mother (John 19:26–27).

This has been interpreted down through the years as John representing believers, the church. Thus, Mary is referred to as our mother; we turn to her for solace, direction, and support just as we would to our biological parents.

Mary is called “Mother of the Church” because she was present when the Church of her Divine Son was birthed by the Spirit (Acts 1:14). The Holy Father made a great choice by connecting the feast of Mary with Pentecost. Let’s implore her intercession for the Church. 

Let us pray.

O God, Father of mercies, whose Only Begotten Son, as he hung upon the Cross, chose the Blessed Virgin Mary, his mother, to be our mother also, grant, we pray, that with her loving help your church may be more fruitful day by day and, exulting in the holiness of her children, may draw to her embrace all the families of the peoples. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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