Memorial: St. Charles Lwanga and his companions

Good Tenants 

2 Peter 1:2–7; Psalm 90; Mark 12:1–12

The parable of the tenants, in which the landlord’s son was killed and thrown out, is presented to us in the gospel. The vineyard (earth) is God’s property; we are all his tenants, and so we are to look after God’s properties sincerely.

Literally, even as tenants do not conceive or harbor evil against others, avoid envy, jealousy, and hatred towards your landlord.

However, the tenants in the parable faught and killed the heir (Mark 12:7). Rather than fighting and killing ourselves, let us be good stewards of God’s blessings. Don’t device means to pull others down or scheme to take over their rightful position. 

Peter tells us in the first reading that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life. In truth, God, in his providence, has made everything available for a good life and salvation. But we fight and suffer ourselves because of greed, hatred, and corruption (2 Peter 1:3–4).

Today, the Church gives us the examples of St. Charles Lwanga and his companions, men who manifested genuine love for God and offered their lives for the faith they profess. They understood the meaning of love and died for it. Without love, there is no true humanity. 

Let us pray.

Father, you have unlocked the gates of eternity for us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, let our devotion grow stronger, our love genuine, and our faith deeper. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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