Fan into Flame
2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6–12; Psalm 122; Mark 12:18–27
Paul, writing from prison, told Timothy to fan into flame the spirit he had received. This message is for all of us. We shall grow cold if we don’t fan into flame the spirit we have received. It was such an active spiritual life that led Boniface to give his time, resources, treasure, and life to the building of God’s kingdom in Germany.
“Fan into flame” means to revive and reignite a dying flame with your spiritual passion and zeal. It means stir up and increase the intensity of the flame of your gifts and talents. Keep the flame burning brightly, preventing it from dwindling or going out.
By fanning into flame the gifts we have received, we shall experience a more vibrant, purposeful, and impactful walk with God.
In the gospel, the Sadducees, a Jewish sect, attempted to discredit the resurrection with a hypothetical question about a woman’s marriage. Jesus clarified their misunderstanding, emphasizing the afterlife’s absence of marriage and death. Through the gift we have received, we are to teach and clarify the faith for our brethren.
Let us pray
Father, through the Holy Spirit, renew your gifts in us. May our faith not fail. Amen