The Call of Elisha

1 Kings 19:19–21; Psalm 16; Matthew 5:33–37

The first reading presents us with the call for Elisha to be the successor of Elijah. For this reason, Elijah travelled to central Palestine in search of Elisha. When Elijah saw him, he placed his cloak over him, symbolising God’s call to minister to him. 

Exclusive of irresolution and wavering thoughts Elisha bids farewell to his family and former life and absolutely submits to the call of God upon his life. Today, in our various vocations, we struggle with family backgrounds, former lives, and certain addictions. These factors limit the steady pace of our spiritual growth.

Jesus in the gospel challenges us to absolute honesty, uprightness, and worthiness. For him, Christians with these features have no need for oaths. Thus, as Christians, we must make every effort to be transparent. 

However, when this disposition is questioned, oath-swearing is employed to stir up credibility. Beloved in Christ, like Elisha, we are called to be steadfast in our decision to follow Christ. Put more trust in the nobility of character than in an oath. 

Let us pray

O God, from whom all good things come, grant that we, who call on you in our need, may, at your prompting, discern what is right and, by your guidance, do it. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. 

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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