Christ heals and saves

WISDOM 1:13–15, 2:23–24; PSALM 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7–9, 13–15; Mark 5:21–43

Mark 5:21–43 presents us with two different miracles that illustrate or emphasise Christ’s power over life and death. No situation is hopeless. Heb 6:19 says, “Do not lose hope, for it is the anchor of the soul.” Hope is not lost; it is simply misplaced. Look again, and you will find it. 

THE FIRST MIRACLE: This was done on Jesus’ way to the house of Jarius. This is an indication that our work of healing and witnessing is not limited by time and space. We are to heal every time and everywhere. There is no time-out for witnessing. As Christians, witnessing is our business. Regardless of where we find ourselves, we can witness. If you cannot heal the sick, care for the sick; if you cannot feed the hungry, help the lonely and the elderly; if you can preach, practice. Paul reminds us in the second reading that we should share what we have with those who are in need. If we don’t share, we cannot grow. 

God wants us to be his saving and healing presence in the world today. Be a pro-lifer; the first reading says God does not delight in the death of the living (Wisdom 1:13). Stop abortion, cease fire, and stop killing. Don’t finance immoralities; rather, finance life and promote virtuous living. 

Again, the woman in question has been suffering from haemorrhage for 12 years. She had endured much under many physicians and had spent all that she had, but her situation grew worse. In fact, scholarly conjecture has it that there are no fewer than eleven cures for such trouble, yet her bleeding has exacerbated. Tobit 2:10 says, “I went to physicians to be healed, but the more they treated me with ointments, the more my vision was obscured by the white films, until I became completely blind.”Have you ever been in a situation where you have spent so much on an ailment yet there is no improvement? Have you ever visited experts yet they appeared so daft? So the Jews believe that physicians care, but healing is from God. Man’s knowledge is limited; don’t hesitate to resort to Jesus. Jesus was her best resort and brought her the best result. In the haemorrhaging or bleeding nature of our lives and society today, it is not too late to resort to Jesus for the best result. 

Like this woman, we must understand that we are not just to crowd but to touch Jesus. There is a difference between crowding around Jesus and touching him. We may crowd around Jesus when we say our prayers, when we gather in adoration centres, or when we gather at mass; we crowd him when we say, “Lord, Lord… and don’t do his will” (Mt. 7:21). In the crowd, we are clouded, but when we touch, we are healed.

Touching comes from active participation. The woman, having lost all faith in medicine, found medicine in faith through active participation amongst the crowd. The Lord’s ‘discharge’ of power ends her ‘discharge’. The only way you can touch Jesus and be touched is to be an active participant and not a mere follower. Sacrosanctum Concilium no. 14 says, “Active participation is an indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit.”

THE SECOND MIRACLE: This miracle presents us with the restoration of Jarius’ daughter. If we don’t approach Jesus in sincere faith, we may not testify. Again, Jarius was almost distracted when he got the news that he shouldn’t trouble Jesus further because his daughter has passed on. Oftentimes, when we are close to our miracles, we tend to see more distractions. Do not be distracted; achievers are focused people.If we must achieve, we must resist distractions. 

More so, Jarius’ neighbours brought the bad news of his daughter’s death, but Jesus gave him the good news: “Do not fear, only believe” (Mark. 5:36). With Jesus, there is no hopeless situation. In the gradual death of the nation today, let others report bad news; we shall continue to share the good news. Friends, do not fear, only believe.” If we believe, we will be restored to life and grace.

Let us pray

O God, who, through the grace of adoption, chose us to be children of light, grant, we pray, that we may not be wrapped in the darkness of error but always be seen to stand in the bright light of truth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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