Forgiveness and healing
AMOS 7:10–17; PSALM 18; MATTHEW 9:1–8
In today’s first reading, King Jeroboam and Amaziah confronted Amos over his prophecies, but Amos replied that his words do not come from a group of prophets like Amaziah but directly from God. This implies that Amaziah’s prophecies are not from God. There are prophecies that are not from God, even though they are accurate. Be careful, lest you fall into the hands of false prophets.
In the Gospel, Jesus demonstrated forgiveness and healing in the life of the paralytic, emphasising how the sacrament of penance brings about healing. In fact, the sacraments of penance and anointing of the sick are regarded as the sacraments of healing. Whenever our sins are forgiven, we are equally healed spiritually. The world needs forgiveness and healing. Let’s preach forgiveness and healing to the world rather than pouring out prophecies that breed malice, disunity, and hatred.
Let us pray
Almighty, ever-living God, we make our prayer to you at morning, noon, and evening: dispel from our hearts the darkness of sin and bring us to the true light, Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai