Pharisaic attitude
Amos 8:4-6, 9-12; Psalm 118; Matthew 9:9-13
In Amos 8:4–12, God declares his punishment on those who trample the needy and do away with the poor of the land. The Lord says a spiritual famine will fall upon them for their sins. What is our attitude towards the poor? Many are denied their wages, pensions, gratuities, and even proper health care.
In the gospel, Jesus receives tax collectors and sinners. The Scribes and Pharisees couldn’t bear the experience of Jesus eating and relaxing with them because they were public sinners. It is unchristian to desire the death of a sinner. What is our attitude towards “sinners”?
The Scribes and Pharisees murmured against Jesus because of his association with sinners. Every sinner is sick and needs healing; in Matthew 9:13, Jesus says, “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus is the physician who heals and saves. Rather than being pharisaic, let us truly help and care.
Let us pray.
Father, have mercy and save us. Teach us to help each other; help us to be our brother’s keepers, not killers. Holy Spirit, sanctify us and make us whole. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai