True Labourers (Part 2)
Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:1–7
The gospel reading presents us with the appointment and mission of the twelve. These men were labourers in God’s ineyard. After their appointment, they were given instructions. These instructions are of great relevance for us today.
Labourers or missionaries today must inculcate the spirit of detachment, dedication, dependence on God, and courage in the face of opposition. We are the hope of many, so we must not allow our trials to consume or discourage us.
As labourers or witnesses, we must understand the content of the message we are to share with others. The message of the mission is repentance. Do we still preach repentance today? True Labourers don’t manipulate the description of their work. Hosea, in the first reading, embarked on a mission of calling the people to repentance. Beloved, preach repentance.
Let us pray
Father, give us the grace to do your will. Help us never to be separated from you. In all trials, the power of the Holy Spirit helps us to prevail and win. In the name of Jesus, help us to overcome disappointment, fear, and doubt. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai