Mission amidst tension
Hosea 14:2–10; Psalm 51; Matthew 10:16–23
Using the phrase “sheep among wolves,” Jesus describes the nature of the missionary task. He speaks of the hardship, violence, hatred, and tough situations that disciples must contend with.
Nevertheless, Jesus assures us of his help and grace. In mission and even in other enterprises, moments of difficulty abound, but if we persevere, we shall fulfil our calling and goals.
If God has given us the mission, he will also make provision for it. Therefore, do not be discouraged; abide by the Lord’s instruction, and then you shall experience the heavenly reunion with the Father and the hosts of heaven.
Hosea, in the first reading, told the people that if they listen and believe God’s words, they will walk in righteousness, but if they refuse, they will stumble and fall. One of the reasons many people fail, stumble, and fall is a lack of instruction.
Mission provides a sense of direction and purpose, driving our actions and decisions. Let us seek to fulfil the will of the sender, regardless of obstacles.
Let us pray
Father, have mercy and forgive us. Give us the courage to remain steadfast when the going gets tough. Help us overcome the difficulties and trials that come our way. Fill us with life and heavenly joy. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai