True disciples
ISAIAH 1:10–17; PSALM 50; Matthew 10:34–11:1
Matthew 10:34–11:1 contains an insightful message from Jesus to his disciples. Firstly, Jesus speaks about the cost of discipleship (Matthew 10:34–39). To follow Jesus as true disciples requires a willingness to surrender everything, even family ties and personal comforts.
Secondly, to follow Jesus, we must take up our cross (Matthew 10:38). True Christians must embrace the challenges and difficulties that come with following Jesus. Two disciples must understand that the cross might be bitter, but it makes us better later.
The gospel also talks about reward and loss (Matthew 10:40–42). Those who receive Jesus’ disciples receive him, and those who receive him receive the Father. However, those who reject him will face judgement.
In addition, the gospel emphasises that God cares (Matthew 10:29–31). God cares for even the smallest creatures, like sparrows, and values each human life. Don’t give up on God. Overcome your doubt and remain hopeful; faith does not fail.
Isaiah 1:10–17, in the first reading, reminds us that our relationship with God should not just be about religious practices but about living a life that reflects His character and values. True disciples must live out their high values.
St. Bonaventure, whose memorial we celebrate today, reminds us in his book “The Soul’s Journey into God” that discipleship is not a matter of merely intellectual knowledge but of experiential knowledge that comes from following Christ. We are disciples not because we follow Christ but because we know him.
Let us pray
Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, just as we celebrate the heavenly birthday of the Bishop Saint Bonaventure, we may benefit from his great learning and constantly imitate the ardour of his charity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.