
EZEKIEL 16:1–15, 60–63; PSALM–IISAIAH 12; MATTHEW 19:3–12

The gospel presents us with the theme of marriage. Marriage is a covenant of true love that demands love for love. Marriage is God’s institution, not man’s invention. Man invented divorce; from the beginning, it was not so. (Matt.19:8). 

In modern society, it may seem hard to have a marriage without a divorce, yet it is feasible if true love exists. Hence, Christ exhorts us to embrace the challenges of our lives. 

Why did Christ say, “Divorce only on the grounds of unchastity?” (Matt. 19:9). Jesus intended to convey that we should only get a divorce if the partnership was unlawful. Why would anyone want to stay in a prohibited or unlawful union? God, who instituted marriage, never ceases to ensure the good of marriage and family life. Do not be discouraged!

In the first reading, Ezekiel narrated how Israel betrayed God’s love. God so loved and cared for the people of Israel, but with time, Israel abandoned God. It is an utter ingratitude not to return love for love. We are loved by God, and we should remain faithful to him. 

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, grant us the strength to hold fast to our vows. When we got married, we promised to love, honour, and cherish each other as long as we both lived. And so we ask that you teach us to love the way that we should, with patience, kindness, forgiveness, and grace. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai 

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